Friday, February 19, 2016

February, as seen in various ways

Water and sun, where I don't live, circa 7:00 am
I might not have mentioned, but I went to Florida recently.  It was sunny (mostly) and warm (actually).  When I came home it was a February record-breaking 66 degrees, but the weather has gotten decidedly more February-ish in the weeks since.  For instance, the above photo was taken at the beach in Florida, the below picture is a photo I snapped at work this morning.  Same time, two weeks, and about six states lay between the beach and the snow.

Honestly, I loved the beach.  It was delightful.  But the winter has its charms.  It's beautiful, for one.  It gives me a chance to wear all of my cute boots, for another.  And there's always that winter reminder that when it's done we get sunshine, and flowers, and birds, and a fresh perspective on life in general.  Winter serves a certain purpose, as far as I'm concerned.  So I won't complain.  It might not be sand between the toes or sun on my face (no, really, we don't get sun in the winter here), but it's a promise hidden beneath piles of frozen dihydrogen oxide, and an excuse to look at everything in ways I've never had the chance before.  I'll take it.

Snow, where I live, circa 7:00 am

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