Monday, May 18, 2009

Oh, baby

The other day, while driving home from having spent the night with my cousin's children as my cousin's wife had a child, I heard something frightening on SRN News.

And no, saying "SRN News" isn't redundant (uhg, like ATM machine, or PIN number, or ISBN number, to name a few of my least favorites) because SRN stands for Salem Radio Network, not for Something-eR-other News, like I always thought.

Anyhow, on that day they were announcing that apparently they just decided in Sweden that you may abort your child for no other reason than that you don't like the baby's gender. Yeah, some woman wants a boy, so has aborted two babies (both girls, in case you didn't catch on) because, well, she already has two daughters, and doesn't want any more.

This is tragic, obviously, but even more odd to me was that I heard this news while driving home from my cousin's house, where they were rejoicing over the birth of their new daughter, yet anxious, because the coming weeks will show whether or not their child will have Cystic Fibrosis or not. They knew, when they were expecting, that their baby had a very high chance of having CF, but decided to wait until the baby was born to know for sure. It's been tough on them, I know, having this hanging over their heads, but they've decided to trust the Lord, regardless of what happens next.

What a contrast! It just struck me, especially on the heels of some weird stuff I'd personally been going through. Trusting the Lord is so difficult, but, for me, when I hear about the extreme cases--the people who take their circumstances into their own hands and try to cut God out of it completely--I realize how much the Lord knows best. That sounds simple, but in light of the ways He's been working in my life recently, that's about all I can even think to say about it. His wisdom is beyond my understanding, that's for sure.

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