Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ah, for the time

I glumly sit around at work every afternoon and think, "I could be cooking!" It seems silly, I guess, because I know that one day I'll be cooking more than I ever wanted, but I really miss having the time to cook. Every once in a while I'll have time when I get home from work, but we're a rather regimented family when it comes to meals, and when I get home is the time where we sit down and get started, so I usually end up just being there for the partaking, and not the making.

I bake for my Sunday School class once a week, but I've never liked baking as much as cooking "real food," and since the girls in my class mostly just like chocolate chip muffins, anyhow, it's not like I branch out to very much other stuff.

This just came up because I was ogling the Williams-Sonoma website (best recipes ever! Well, best pictures of recipes, at any rate) and wishing I could make some asparagus or something. Guess that means I'd have to, you know, buy some asparagus, but it always seems more fun in the Idea Stage.

Not to say that I've totally moved on from, because I'm not about to do that. They're my go-to recipe site, and I shall not be moved!


Rena' said...

Little Jo, anytime your in my area and feel the urge to cook, come on. As a Mommy I feel like I spend at least 1/4 of my life in some food stage. Pondering menu's, making list, shopping, putting groceries away, preping, cooking cleaning up. On the bright side...I feel needed, incontrol of the menu and although I hate stepping on cold pasta I can appreciate a dirty face of honey, spaghetti sauce and yogurt. Your time will come. Now is the time to pratice, go buy the Asparagus.

Little Jo Sleep said...

Thanks. =) And, I'm pretty sure that, as a mother, you DO spend at least 1/4 of your life in the food stage. At least.