Friday, December 16, 2011

Adventures in Making a Secret E-Reader Case Part 1

Some days ago, I got it into my head that I needed to make a really cool cover for my new Kindle.  I have a friend who makes purses out of old books, and I'm pretty much her dealer (I tend to find many free books), so I figured that I'd just find an old book I was going to give away anyhow, and use that for my Kindle cover. I looked up online for one of those tutorials, but it seemed pretty simple, so I just grabbed a book and started!

I picked this book because a) the cover was cool, b) it was free, and c) upon opening it I saw some naughty language, so I figured that if I was killing a book it might as well be this one.

I then got some glue (Elmer's!  I love the stuff!  How awesome is it that Elmer's Glue is so multi-purpose!) and mixed a little in a bowl with some water, just to thin it a bit, and then prepared the book.  That just meant tying plastic bags on the front and back covers so as to not glue the whole book together.

The stuff I had looked up online suggested using a glue brush, but that seemed like extra work, so I just used my finger to smear glue on, which worked perfectly.  Also, my fingers are easy to wash off.  Also, it didn't take much glue.  I was surprised at how little it took.

Next I brought it to the basement and clamped it for several hours.  Basically until I remembered about it and had time.  That made it dry without warping the pages, which was handy.

We had some issues with water coming in the basement, so all of our fans in storage for the winter ended up next to our work bench.  Since I didn't need to actually be there, except for the obvious tightening of the clamp thing, it didn't bother me.  But that's why there are two fans visible in this photo!

Once it was dry I measured the kindle on the book, only to discover that they were pretty much the same size.  Oops.  I figured, whatever, I'll just have skinny walls and no extra space.  As you can see, I was working on newspaper, because I was afraid that I'd cut our granite counter tops or something.  Spill glue.  Something to mess them up.  So I had newspaper-covered work area for myself.

Then I used a straight blade tool thing to cut out the innards.  It took... a lot of time.  I listened to much Adventures in Odyssey, and it passed rather enjoyably, but because I had to make sure that there would be enough space for my Kindle, it took a long time. Much chaotic cutting, then some measurements.  Well, not so much measurements as just taking my Kindle and sort of dropping it in the hole every once in a while.  It worked.

And then it was Saturday night and I had to go and I sort of left the project over the weekend.  But... tune in next time for the exciting second part.  Did I finish it?  Did I stop to think that the power button is on the bottom of the Kindle, thereby not exactly easy to turn on when the Kindle is tucked away in the book?  Did I stop to realize that if the Kindle was tightly in there it might be impossible to take out?

Seriously, tune in next time.  You don't want to miss the drama, my friends.  
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Firefly said...

This is the BEST tutorial I have ever read!! Husband says glue a ribbon to sit underneath the Kindle so that you can just pull the ribbon up and pop the Kindle out. Plus, the ribbon will look cool, like a bookmark or something.

As for the power button and charger port thingy.... um.... use a knife to neatly gouge holes in the bottom?? Or a drill!!

Little Jo Sleep said...

Wow, your husband and I think alike. : ) You'll see what I mean once I finish typing up Part 2 of this. I made this last weekend and it's done and I love it! Everyone should make one of these!

Rena' said...

This is way to cool. After the Christmas madness I think I will try this.