Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Very Busy Season (or... VBS)


It's Vacation Bible School time around our place.  Which means, basically, that we run around for a week pulling our hair out, picking up more children than can possibly fit in our vehicles, and generally feeling like surely we'll be more organized next year.

We never are.

So don't expect me to update regularly like I was doing last week (three times!  possibly a new record!) because I'll be busy feeling guilty about breaking the law by having at least 10 more kids in my van than I have seat belts.  That sort of thing.

But it surely is good to be having VBS.  There's something energizing about all the kids, and the smell of paint, and hearing little voices learning Bible verses.  That sort of thing.  So (loss of hair aside), it's a good week around here.  A good week indeed.


Chasms Lady said...

Is it the hottest week of the year, too, like it always used to be? Good times :)

Little Jo Sleep said...

Yes. Hovering around 90 the first day. It's not as bad as some years, but it is humid and hot and feels like the hottest week yet! Naturally.

Rena' said...

I went to the VBS meeting Sunday afternoon. Overwhelming:)
I haven't worked VBS for years. I mean years and years. I am looking forward to the same as you are. Blessing, rewarding and less hair.