Monday, June 24, 2013

3, 2, 1

(The numbers 3, 2, and 1 have no significance upon this post.  I'm just avoiding cleaning out our van, and writing numbers apparently makes me feel better about the avoidance issue.  Allow me to move on to a post with no real significance to anything.  I just... was thinking about bridesmaid-ing today.  And here we are now.)

I was in a wedding last summer.  Right around the time I stopped posting, in fact.  The wedding didn't make me stop blogging, of course, but it did usher in one of the busiest months ever.  I think I went to nine states and five provinces in the course of two weeks.  The nine states might sound more impressive, but trust me, trekking to five Canadian provinces takes some serious doing.

Anyhow, the wedding was fun.  Super fun.  Super super fun.  There were seven bridesmaids, and we were all crazy and had a ridiculous amount of fun.

I bring this up now because this summer I'm going to/have already started going to a bajillion weddings.  Honestly, you'd think everyone I knew was getting married this year.  Anyhow, in light of that, a bunch of us girls have done a lot of wedding talk, and those of us who were bridesmaids in last summer's wedding have decided that there's almost no way to top the hilarity that was last summer's wedding, so...  basically we've hit the plateau.  No wedding will be as fun as that one was.

We're all hoping to be pleasantly surprised, by the way.  One of the bridesmaids from last summer is going to be in three weddings this summer, and another one in two weddings.  Another is getting married this summer, and the rest of us...  are taking a break from being in weddings.  =)

But seriously, doesn't this look like the most fun ever?

It was.


Firefly said...

Also, I love how you verb nouns.

Maranatha said...

Agree...100% :) And half of it was you :p

Chasms Lady said...

Ah, good times are a good thing to be remembered ... that does indeed look like a blast! And may I point out that you quite successfully added a picture to your post? Good work! :-)