Thursday, June 20, 2013

I blame Louis Daguerre

I was doing pretty well.  Honestly I was.  I was posting pretty often, keeping up with Hopeful Rambles, and then one day, I got a little cocky.  "I can do this," I thought to myself, "I can do this blogging thing.  And because I know I can do it due to my mostly faithful postation thus far, I'm going to go that extra mile.  I'm going to start including pictures in my posts.  I'll finally be that person who makes their blog interesting."

Well.  That worked not at all.  What happened is that I realized that uploading photos is time-consuming.  Words are easy for me, photo uploading is not.  Ergo...  the demise of the blog.

And so.  I'm not going to bother with pictures any more.  (Unless it somehow turns out to be convenient and no hassle whatsoever.)  I can't possibly.

It's currently VBS week but for some reason the guilt of the past year of not posting finally got to me.  So here I be.


That is all.


The Chatty Housewife said...

Welcome back. You've been missed.

Chasms Lady said...

Good to 'hear' from you again, Chatty wasn't the only one to miss your ramblings :)

Maranatha said...

Hey, we decided to start posting around the same time ;P