Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Sometimes I am too easily amused

Spotted at my local Pet Store
I love spying funny signs.  Even if they're not meant to be funny, I will see it, and I will laugh.

See, I never just see thing and move on.  I see signs, like these, at the local pet store (I obviously wasn't inside the pet store, I don't even like pets) and the first thing that pops into my head is, "Haha, Darwin started a pet store now?"

Because, obviously, natural selection.  If I were a pet store (which I never will be) I would never put this sign up.  Because obviously I would expect people to look at it and think, "Darwin?  Darwin, are you in there?"


Firefly said...

And here I am thinking this means rather inappropriate pet fights... like fish or dog fights and only the strong survive and so you're buying the best.
Apparently I have a more violent mind than you.

Little Jo Sleep said...

Violent or not, that makes two of us who clearly don't think the pet store managed to say what it was trying to say! Marketing people, please take note!