Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth, Earth, Earth...

...Hear the word of the Lord!

Oh, Earth Day. The day when people knowledge the Earth for being marvelous, but ignore the Creator. What a clever idea... or not.

In general, I have no problem with people taking care of the world we live in--it's called stewardship, people. But when people start setting that up as an idol in their life, I have a problem with that. And while I don't rally for eco-friendly whatevers people rally for, I do keep my electricity use to a minimum, don't litter, and try not to pull up moss from its natural habitat. But I just consider that to be common sense. The Earth-loving thing has pretty much become a religion these days, though, and I draw the line there.

Just for fun this morning, I looked up Nancy Pelosi's Earth Day spiel and noticed the absence of the charming verse (which may or may not be "from Isaiah") she used for last year's Earth Day celebration. How I miss the ignorance that caused that faux pas.


maggie87 said...

I can agree with you here. I like to put thought into how I treat the world that God gave us, but you're right, when it turns into something that leaves Him out...not so good. There was just a big bunch of green talk on Moody this morning with the whole Earth Day stuff, and it was quite interesting.

Remind me to teach you how to follow people.

Little Jo Sleep said...

I kept on praying on Earth Day (though it's a good prayer for every day, obviously) that somebody would be looking around thinking that yeah, it's true, our Earth is pretty awesome, and then ZAP! they'll realize that Someone made it. And loves them.

Anyhow, in Heaven it'll be pretty awesome to see how many people that happened to, and how many people were prompted by Earth-lovers. The environmentalists have no idea how big of a battle they're fighting...