Friday, April 3, 2009

Though some glasses darkly

Back in the day, when I was just a youngster (well fine, I'm still sort of a youngster, I just don't readily admit it like I used to), I used to wear glasses. Not cute I-deserve-to-be-on-the-Hallmark-channel glasses, but I-deserve-to-be-in-the-60's glasses. Charming, or not.

But one day I decided that I could see well enough, thank you, and moved on. That was years ago by now, and I thought I was doing well, I mean, yes, my eyesight was marginal at best, but I was managing. Or so I thought.

Now, I've always kept a little Bible in my purse. Because you never know when you'll have to look up verses, show someone the way of salvation, or just read because you're stuck in a traffic jam or airport for hours. And it was great to have, I used it at least once a week. But a few weeks ago, I took it out of my purse to read... and couldn't. No joke, I just couldn't read it any longer. Which was depressing, and I've since taken it out of my purse (which worked because I sort of had downsized my purse anyhow and either my wallet or Bible had to go and I couldn't decide which one to ditch, but this solved my problems for me) and now I'm finally admitting to myself that I have bad eyesight.

Which I sort of knew. For the past few months I've actually been using an old pair of my mom's reading glasses to read my Bible (though this Bible is regularly-sized), which has been working fairly well for me. Not that I'm to the stage of wearing glasses in public (uh, especially the reading glasses I currently use, which aren't really very attractive, truth be told) but at least I'm doing something about my poor eyes.

All this makes me feel old. And like the groaning creation I am part of. Sigh.

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