Friday, February 19, 2010

Bother it all

Sometimes things frustrate me. No idea why (other than the obvious I-have-a-sinful-flesh thing), but sometimes things just set me off. If I can't do something, and I'm sure I should know how and I'm convinced it's all my fault, I'm liable to go into a tail spin. Not sure why, because in most areas of life I'm able to just let things blow over, but certain things just drive me insane.

It's so easy to say that, well, I'm a sinner and it's not like anybody's perfect all the time, but truth be told, that's no excuse. I have Christ living in me, so there's no excuse to sin.

Interjection: I think that would be a hilarious bumper sticker; "There's no excuse to sin."

Back to the actual subject, I think it's vaguely sad that I have to keep coming back to this. Shouldn't I just be able to stop sinning, done and done? Thing is, I don't let the power of Christ work in me. I just do my own stubborn thing. AHH!!


Rena' said...

Oh to sin no more. But that is the big deal in Heaven,right? So I wonder if that wasn't the big deal in Heaven what would be the big deal in Heaven:)
BTW I saw you stopped by my blog, nice to see you.

Little Jo Sleep said...

I frequently stop by your blog, though don't usually comment. I certainly enjoy your family's antics!

And won't Heaven be wonderful? I'm going to love not sinning. =)