Friday, February 26, 2010

Morning morning morning

I'm not a huge morning person, a fact to which most of my friends and relatives will attest. However, no matter how much they still joke about my terrible personality in the morning, they have to admit that I really haven't been my "regular" grumpy self in the mornings for at least a year or two. I've made a concerted effort to not grump around in the mornings. (Oh, and I'd like to point out that my waking-up ability is far stellar than a good portion of people I know, so I certainly have that going for me, sorry, lovers-of-the-snooze-alarm.)

I decided one day a while ago that I was done being grumpy. I certainly wasn't winning friends or influencing people (except to influence them more towards the grumpsterly side of things) by grouching around in the mornings, and I certainly wasn't being a very good testimony to anybody. So in the mornings, when I wake up, I immediately fill my head with three things. One: This is the day that the Lord has made, I will be glad, and rejoice in it!! Two: Lord, help me to have a good day. And three: Lord, help me to do everything I do to the best of my ability.

Mind you, I jump out of bed to turn off my alarm clock, which means I'm usually standing up by the time I get around to thinking all those things, but they're certainly the first things I think. Which, as it turns out, may actually be helping after all. The other morning I was out and about quite early, and I happened to smile at some lady who stopped in her tracks and told me that I had a nice smile, at which point someone else (who I don't really know, they apparently just pretend they know me) told her that I was "always so cheerful in the mornings." Really? Me? Cheerful? In the mornings???

Wonders never cease.

I think it's just because His mercies are new every morning. No matter how early that morning may come, He's always got something wonderful in store for me. It's a good feeling.


Firefly said...

I'm stealing your idea, only I might need to wright the three things down and tape them above my bed or on my clock or something. Thats awesome, as I'm not much of a morning person either. :-)

The Chatty Housewife said...

I've posted this to my "favorite articles" page. I love it.

Little Jo Sleep said...

Aww, thanks. =)