Friday, May 7, 2010

Poety, poety

When I was little I used to "quote poetry" by starting a poem with the line, "Poety, poety" and carry forth. I couldn't frame my words properly, in case you're wondering what a poety is, much the way those one guys from the Bible couldn't say Shibboleth.

But I just found an embarrassing poem the other day, that I wrote within the last year, in an attempt to get some creative juices flowing. I don't have it with me, but it went something like this--

Everyone always talks about hope,
The butcher, the baker, the pope,

And it goes from there. Worse, if you'd believe it. But it made me laugh, because poetry is some of the easiest stuff to mess up. I did a poetry course in school once (best one ever: my textbook was Poetry for Dummies) and it didn't help. I think poetry is something you're either good at, or not. Me? I'm in the not-so-good category. Not at all good, in fact.

I do like poetry, though. I used to read poetry all the time--I have these old volumes of Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson and obscure Japanese poets--and I'd read them out on the roof in the evening time, right after dishes were done, and in the twilight it was practically magical.

But I don't have time for poetry any longer. When I have a spare moment or two, I read books with actual stories. But sometimes, when my window is open and the twilight and fresh air blow in my room, I wish I would make a little more time for whimsical things like poetry.

But... not writing it. Just reading. It's official.

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