Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Saved (from stupidity, by grace)

This isn't about salvation-type saved, just regular I'm-not-dead saved, just so we're clear, though I'm very thankful to be Saved-saved.

The other day I was at the store buying bouncy balls, and walking across the parking lot with my purchases I was nearly hit by a car. Thankfully, a quick-thinking friend honked and made me look, which, in turn, caused me to jump, which, in turn, stopped me from being run over. It made me thankful to be alive, and without full-body bruises.

It's not so much like I think I would have really died that day (though I would have liked to see the bouncy balls bounce all over the parking lot), but it made me consider how many times I've been spared from something terrible. I can think of multiple times, off the top of my head, where I've come close to death. But even more, what about the times when I was close to death and didn't know it? What about the times when the Lord put a wall of protection around me and held off the danger, and I carried obliviously on?

Those are the times that make me bow my head and thank the Lord. I'm spared from so much, and most of it goes unnoticed as I spend my time wondering about visible problems. How blind I feel, but how thankful!

1 comment:

The Chatty Housewife said...

I am so glad you are okay! It is amazing to think of how we are protected each day, that is definitely something I don't think about that often.