Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Things I learned in 2012

Wait, I'm sorry, is this belated at all?

Ironically, I really did compile this list when 2013 was yet fresh.  I even talked up the concept of a "What I learned" list and at least one friend jumped on the bandwagon and did a list for 2012 back when I did mine in January.  I just...  Forgot to publish this post.  So this is old, but the ideas are still good ones.

Right?  *coughcough*

Without further ado, and in no particular order:

1)  Never put a pen through your clothes drier.  The washing machine isn't so bad, it's the drier that will never be the same.
2)  Humans as a whole are remarkably unobservant.  For instance, I got my hair cut about a foot and only three people noticed.  Total.
3)  I, also being human, am not observant.  I won't go into details, but suffice it to say I can think of at least two instances where I was the last to notice something that directly related to me.
4)  There's a lot to learn in the Bible.  A lot.
5)  I shouldn't be allowed to play shooting games.  While at my sister's house over the summer I was trying to play Portal, and anytime something shot at me, I about hid under the desk.  A game that involved real shooting would probably be very damaging to my psyche.
6)  There are a lot of problem in life.  Sometimes I learn of GIANT situations that I didn't know about, and think, "Why so many problems everywhere?"  Nobody is exempt, it seems.
7)  My life is not my own.  I mean, nobody's is, but...  I have learned recently that it's very much true of me, as well.

PS this has the same disclaimer as last year.  These aren't all new things, just thoughts that presented themselves to me in various ways through the year.

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