Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Isn't is sad how poorly we treat leftovers? I don't know about you guys, but I tend to not appreciate leftovers as much as I should. For instance, I currently am trying desperately to finish up a fridge-full of leftovers before I depart for the West Coast for the holidays. When my family left they left me with all kinds of things--soup, rice, bread, vegetables, enough things to keep me happy for a long time.

Sad thing is, though, now I feel obliged to finish it up. Not in a stuff-myself-ugh kind of way, but in a if-I-have-one-of-these-meals-at-every-meal-from now-until-I-leave-I'll-finish-them-all-up kind of way. But I'm home alone! I always crave cereal for supper, for some reason, but since I've got white chili in the fridge, I don't want to have to freeze that and eat my cheerios instead. So instead of being thankful that I don't have to go to any effort to pull together a supper for myself in the evening, I sigh because I can't have an egg for breakfast, because of the excess of bananas in my house.

Isn't that sad? I'd be a bad third-world-dweller.

I gave up and froze the rice, by the way, and I think I'll follow suite with some of the chili. I've already finished all of the split pea soup (it was really yummy, actually) and if I freeze that white chili, it means.... cereal for supper! It's like a dream come true!


Firefly said...

Brinner (breakfast at dinner) is awesome. I, too, will often indulge in getting Cherrios for myselfery for dinner. Awesomeness.
Soups and chilis though, the longer they sit in the fridge, the better they taste for some reason.

Little Jo Sleep said...

They do taste better, you're right, but it still doesn't change the fact that I'd rather have cereal for supper if I so desire! And so true, Brinner is swell.