Thursday, December 9, 2010

Santa and co.

Last winter I was telling my family about how I had only just then realized that the Santa Claus that Mommy was kissing was really the dad, at which point my whole family (with the exception of my dad, who is smarter than the rest of us, apparently) looked askance and, with light-bulb-like realization said, "ohh!!"

Yeah, I'd just never realized what the song had been saying.  I always thought it was an irritating song with slightly naughty connotations.  Then one day I realized, wait!  the dad is dressed up as Santa!  Hence all the references to "wouldn't it be funny if daddy had walked in," or however it goes.

Anyhow, I heard that song again the other day and it made me laugh.


Anonymous said...

Bahahahahaha, that is SO funny! I didn't even finish reading your post yet; I just had to respond to that first sentence. Because I only just THIS YEAR realized that.
Okay, I read the rest.....this is making me laugh so bad. I could have basically written this post myself. I had lightbulbs going on the whole time I listened to that song this year. I was SO glad to know mommy wasn't really that naughty.

Little Jo Sleep said...

I know! The first time I realized what the song actually meant I realized how much sense the song made! I still don't like it (it still feels annoying and slightly bad; shouldn't the kid be super traumatized?) but at least now I understand it!