Monday, December 13, 2010

Saying good-bye

As much as I don't like my job, there are certain things I'll miss.  For one, my co-worker.  I'll very much miss her.  But I'll also miss some of the clients we have.  Since I've been here for over a year now (lasting longer than most of the 30-some people who have come before me) a lot of the customers are used to me answering the phones and calling them to try to coerce them into making their payments (not as easy as it sounds!).  Being as such, I feel a certain kinship with several of the clients.

On Friday someone called the office to get a quote, and I asked how they heard of our agency, and she said that her niece had referred her, and had been told to ask for me specifically.  I felt a little flattered, I'm not going to lie.  And then today, I called someone to remind them to pay his daughter's auto insurance, and it was someone I'd worked extensively with earlier this year to sort out some problems, and he was all chatty on the phone, asked me what I wanted for Christmas, and we talked for a few minutes before we both had to go back to work, and I realized that I'd sort of miss that:  talking to random strangers and forging make-believe friendships.

But the thing I'll miss the most, more than the people (well, I'll miss my co-worker more, but not our clients) is the library.  It was awesome to have that library (plus, it's the wedding library!) so close, and to have an extra pool from which I could use to satisfy my bookish brain.  I'll miss it.  If I didn't live half an hour away I'd certainly be back from time to time, if only to say howdy to my library.

This isn't to say that I regret quitting.  I honestly feel such continued peace about it, and am thankful for the details that are working out so well.  Hello, new chapter!

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