Monday, September 26, 2011

I don't seem to have a title for this

I was reading last week's offering from PluggedIn, and saw this statistic:

"Nielsen estimates that Americans currently spend 53 billion minutes a month on Facebook, a number spread among 150 million users. When you add up all those minutes, it equals a whopping 100,000 years of Facebook time per month by U.S. users. Individually it averages out to 11.6 minutes per day."

Needless to say, I was flummoxed.  The thought of so very many minutes spent on facebook just... I can't even fathom.  I'll admit, I have facebook.  I go on about once a week, or every other week, if I have the inclination.  When a big event just happened I tend to go on more often in order to see photos and what-not, but that much time is just too much time.

Then again, it's people like me who make the average so low.  You know there are some people out there who use more than their average of 11.6 minutes a day.  In fact, when I DO go on, that's probably about how long I spend.  I look at all the birthdays I missed, write cutsey little messages, and click on some of the most looked at photo albums.  Done and done.  The whole chatting thing makes me want to cry, and the whole looking through everyone's status updates thing makes me feel like my life is slowly slipping away.

I have nothing against facebook (when used properly), so don't get me wrong.  I'm not saying you shouldn't have it (unless you don't want it, in which case you should stand strong in opposition thereof!), but what I am saying is that it shouldn't be such a big part of so many lives.  That's all.

As for me, I think I'm going to go spend 11.6 minutes napping.  Ciao!

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