Friday, September 23, 2011

Judge not

This has nothing to do with judging in the traditional manner.  It's just that sometimes I need to examine my own beam before I look at my sibling's mote.  I have a sister who has some unusuually named children.  Which is fine.  I'm just saying.

However, you know Thomas?  Remember him?  One of his train pals is a friend named Skarloey.  And... I like the name.  I'd spell it differently, and use it as a name for a girl, but honestly, I kind of love it.  Say it a few times.  It grows on you.

So anyhow, it's just a good reminder for me to, you know, stop raising my eyebrows at all the Apples and Moons of this world.

No, seriously.  Say the name again.  Skarloey.  Mm?  Also, Skarloey is a very helpful train, and a good friend.  Good role model right off the bat.  Yay!


Firefly said...

It took my like 5 minutes for me to figure out which Thomas you were talking about, because I was thinking of some British dude on a train. Then I remembered: THOMAS .

Little Jo Sleep said...

No, no British dude on a train. We don't assign names to British train dudes. This is the one and only Tank Engine.

Chasms Lady said...

Sorry, not thinkin' I agree with you on that one! Shravia, now, that has possibility for a good name ;)