Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ten years

On September the 11th, 2001 our family was going to go to the zoo.  It was our field trip, and my mom was wrapping up some things on the phone with the airline (wouldn't have dreampt of booking online in those days!) working out some details for our flight to go out to California for Christmas.  Half way through her call, the Southwest operator put her on hold.  And kept her waiting for several minutes.  Eventually the woman came back on the phone, apologized for the delay, and proceeded to book our flights.
My mom called my dad at work to confirm that the flights were booked.  To which he said, "Haven't you heard?  The country is under attack!"  The poor woman at the airline had no doubt gotten the news as it was happening, but without a tv, we were a bit clueless.  We decided to head off to the zoo, I mean, what did two airplanes crashing into New York towers have to do with us?  But we'd gotten about three blocks away from home when, after listening to the radio, we realized that the situation truly was as serious as my dad had made it out to be.  We turned around and called the zoo, to confirm that they were still open.  They weren't.  The whole country shut down that day.  A wounded nation unsteady after such loss.
I remember listening to the radio coverage all day, even though I couldn't follow most of what was going on.  Taking pictures of all the flags that were put up around town.  Going to the memorial held at our University for the families affected by the loss.  Having a special prayer meeting.  Wondering if things would ever be the same.

So basically, what everyone else did on that Tuesday, and the following days and weeks.  And here we are, ten years later.  Who would have thought?

I wasn't personally affected by the tragedy.  Our family knows people who were in the area, but I don't know them well.  And I didn't lose anyone in the attacks.  But I still pray for them sometimes.  In our local cemetary is a monument to one of our locals who died in the Trade Towers that day.  As I pass I pray for his family and wonder how things are going.

This wasn't very deep, but sometimes you just want to acknowledge it.  So today I'm praying extra for those whose lives were changed in ways I can't even fathom.  May they lean on the Everlasting Arms for comfort.

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