Friday, March 13, 2009

Technological pressures (or, lack thereof)

I've pretty much decided that I'm not going to post on the weekends, obviously. But also, there's no way I'm going to feel obliged to post on a regular basis at all. For one, I find it difficult to check my email every day, and all those social networking sites? Not so much. Of course, I use that word "all" fairly liberally, because I only belong to one, but I do go for weeks at a time without logging on to it.

Which is ironic, because this is a time period where I will have more time then I ever will again in my whole life. Well, that's presuming the Lord comes before I get old and have lots of time again. But for now, I have a bunch of time, but I don't use it for computer-related things. Which I'm OK with. I semi-recently decided it would be cool to read through the Bible in a year (I usually just read and see how long it takes) but I decided that since I do have all this time, I should read more than I usually do. But since I don't have any sort of inkling regarding how much I have to read to complete the Bible in a year, I just sort of read random amounts at a time. I know that if you're doing the traditional in-a-year thing, you're supposed to read three chapters a day, and five on Sunday, but since I began reading the Bible this time in August, and didn't decide to finish it in twelve months until February or something, well, I have no idea how much that sets me behind. Every once in a while I'm like "according to the page numbers, I have X amount of pages left, so that means..." but since I'm bad at math, well, I never get any farther than that.

Which is a terrible thing to say, I know. I mean, it would be appalling if somebody were like "I never really learned how to read well, so I just don't read, or maybe I've forgotten how to read by now" so it's awful to use my lame-o math excuse. But I am fairly bad at math, no joke. Which is why I have my "gmail goggles" feature turned on where on late nights, I have to do math questions before I can send my emails. I have it on the easiest level, but it's something, right?


maggie87 said...

Some Moody folk are doing a program, have you heard? They're doing read the Bible in 90 days! Whoa. I'm slightly tempted to try it, since I have lack of schooling and what not. I think Haven maybe (?) is selling this guy's 90 day Bible. They have the 90 day Bible, and the 21 day New Testament. Pretty interesting.

Little Jo Sleep said...

Stars, 90 days? My parents always tell this story of a guy who was imprisoned in some foreign country and when he finally got a hold of a Bible he read it straight through and finished it in three days. Now that's some seriously quick reading.