Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sleep says hi

I decided to just up and do it. Start a blog.

And I know, it’s not like I’ll follow through (do I have any motivation to follow through with this? Really?) but I keep on wishing I had a blog, so I figured, hey, why not?

And it’s named, for those who wonder about such things, Hopeful Rambles because, well, as everyone knows, the best sort of rambles are not aimless wanderings but instead “To speak or write at length and with many digressions,” which I foresee a large amount of in the future of this here blog. As for the hope? Well, I’m a Christian, and as such, my life is a hopeful one. Also, the title “rambles” was already claimed as a blog name. But I do still live life hopefully, honestly I do!

I know this is my first post and I’m supposed to write something clever and witty that will make my friends want to stay and read on, but I’ll let you in on a little secret only like three of my friends will ever hear about this blog from my lips so I pretty much have nothing to be worried about. Praise the Lord.

So I should be thinking of things to say to introduce my yet-blasé blog, but it’s like 2:00 AM and I’m not very clever at such an hour. Apparently I’m wide awake (second night in a row where I just can’t seem to sleep, I’m beginning to think my years of sleep-full childhood are catching up with me just to remind me that being an adult is a terrible thing) but wide-awake is no indication of a sound mind.

Chances are, this will mostly be me talking about how wonderful Google is (how sad it makes me that they’re so crazy liberal) and random things I find in my Bible reading I feel like sharing with someone but don’t know with whom to share them. Or maybe I’ll pull a Nancy Pelosi and just make up verses to talk about at random. How does that go? “Taking care of creation is an act of worship. Something something something something.” That’s what I hear when Nancy Pelosi opens her mouth. I’m sure if she ever said anything worth noting I’d be told about it in short order, so I’m not too worried.

Seriously? I just spent valuable hook time talking politics? A sign of the times, my friend (I say singular because I doubt more than one person will ever frequent this place of such promising brilliance) that such a politically-unsavvy soul such as I should be talking politically-related items at 2:00 in the morning.

That’s it. I’m going to bed. If this never pans out into a more-than-once kind of blog, I’ll consider telling my friends, but until I post something of more substance, I shall lay this crazy place to rest.

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