Thursday, July 15, 2010

Oh Kindle within us

Guess what I'm a pleased possessor of? Other than that prepositiony-type sentence I used, I also have in my possession--a Kindle!

I got it used (and as a present, what a swell deal!) but in brand-new packaging, and I love it. Very, very much. What else I love? That Amazon offers free books. And that many Christian publishers take advantage of that and post free books. I haven't had to pay for a single book on my Kindle thus far (well, except my Bible, but that's only because I wanted a KJV and they didn't seem to have any free KJVs, silly Amazon), and I've gotten a pretty good collection.

Mostly I'm excited because now on trips I'll be able to pack one Kindle as opposed to eleven or fourteen books. I mean, I love books, and paper, and all of those fun parts, but mostly it's about the words, I guess, and when I can get all my books (plus that dictionary!) on the plane with me in one small package, I'll take it.

Bless my aunt for gifting it to me.

It has some built-in games, by the way, but I always forget how to get to them. Never mind, Alt and M is the magic key. Keys. Whatever.

It's got a zillion features that I don't even understand... I can get screen shots, hear background music (that's one that's worth looking into, but I haven't had time to yet), and make notations in books. All in all, swell. If you're a lover of books who isn't quite sure if you're ready for the switch to digital, take it from me--it's worth it. I still read "real" books all the time, I'm forever at the library and bookstore, but this is handy for travel situations and when you just need something to throw in your purse in case you have a long wait at the bank. I love it!


Firefly said...

Wow, that's awesome :-)

Rena' said...

My husband so wants to get a Kindle, we saw the freebies at Amazon also. I am a lazy reader and I think the feature that reads to you would be great for house cleaning.

Anonymous said...

...and for those of us who aren't fortunate enough to get an actual Kindle, Amazon makes Kindle software freely available for (at least) Windows and the iOS4 devices. Not only are there a lot of good free titles, but many of the ones you have to pay for are $9.99 or less. Very nice.

Little Jo Sleep said...

Oh for sure, it does read to you. It does a pretty good job except for names. I got a free book written by John Bunyan and I was listening to it, trying to figure out what "Golli-oth" was, and realized it was talking about Goliath. It's a nice feature, I must admit.