Monday, July 26, 2010


I'm leaving THIS week (Lord willing, obviously), for Europe! Yay!

I'm pretty well packed, but every day at work I keep thinking of things I still need to do or get. It makes me nervous, because I'm pretty sure I'll forget something. Thankfully, I'm traveling with my friends, and my one friend is pretty much the most ready of all people, having any and everything. Well, she used to be. We tease her because she doesn't necessarily have something on a moment's notice these days. Which is sad, obviously. But fine, because less luggage is less back strain.

So huzzah for Europe!

Sorry, I'm a little distracted and excited.


The Chatty Housewife said...

Wow, very cool! I didn't know you were going! Make sure to share your photos and write about your trip.

Rena' said...

Have a great safe time:) Of course, Lord Willing. Thats how I discovered your blog. And yes my Dad still says it every evening before we hang up the phone.

Little Jo Sleep said...

Yes, yes, Lord Willing is how you found me. I actually often think of you as I say that (which I still say a lot, not surprisingly).

And I should share some photos. If I can get my camera to work.... or my plane trip not be canceled due to the Polish Airlines being crazy!

Chasms Lady said...

Have fun!