Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Take the lead

I don't like to just throw myself into the middle of everyone else's business. For those who know me, you'll realize that I'm pretty non-confrontational, and I dislike telling people what to do. Which is why it's odd that I tend to step up and get things going in groups. Here's the deal: I don't really enjoy being the one to stand up and get a game of Four Men on the Couch going. I'd prefer it if someone told me what to do or what games to play. But for some weird reason I'm the one who rolls her eyes and tells everybody what we're going to do.

It freaks me out that I do that, and I think it makes me sound bossy. Being bossy is one think I'd certainly like to avoid, it at all possible. But it usually makes more sense for someone to just do it, you know, to just get some game started, to just tell people to stop bumming around and start actually doing something together.

I guess this is coming up because I just have been noticing recently how often I'm the one jumping in the middle of the circle and organizing the game. I guess I should be thankful that organizational skills are an ability I have, but, like I say, it mostly makes me feel bossy.

Which is why I was so surprised when not one, but two people thanked me in California for being willing to organize stuff. I hope that one of them will feel like stepping up next time, since it's something they've noticed, but mostly I hope that if organizational-type stuff is something the Lord wants me to do without a feeling of grudging, I will do it to the best of my abilities, and without murmuring.


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