Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Well, I've not posted for a long time, because every time I get on to post, I end up reading mrg's trip blog, which is long enough to keep me occupied for ever. So I haven't written in forever. I had a most excellent winter break, by the way, and I wasn't too wiped out coming back to work, which was certainly an answer to prayer!

I love the New Year, by the way. I've decided that there are a lot of holidays in a year, and the New Year is one I really like. Not because I like the feeling of "turning over a new leaf," but rather because it reminds me that, as a Christian, I can turn over a new leaf any time I want, and the Lord will help me with the problem/resolution/whatever at any point during the year! Isn't that such a great thought? For those of us humans out there who always think we should make a point of doing this or that at a certain time, it's a good reminder that we don't need to wait for these certain times, we can do this or that (Lord willing), whenever we want to! I like that.

New Year's Eve was awesome, as well. I was really tired, so I left the party were at, and came home and Bible'd my way into the new year. Most exceptional. I felt vaguely badly for ditching out on everyone at the party (my pregnant sister stayed for about three hours later than I did, if you want to hear something pitiful), but I had been feeling so anti-social the last few days of conference that I decided it was OK to take some down time.

Speaking of anti-social. So at conference we were talking about being lonely versus being alone. Honestly, I like to be alone. I sometimes just go out on the roof in the summer just to escape the feeling of being in a house with other people. That doesn't mean I love my family an less, but rather that I value my alone time. Very much.

That was all rather random, so I leave you with this one thought. Happy January! Make it a good one.

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