Friday, March 12, 2010

Be still

I don't spend enough time in prayer. I don't spend enough time in the Word. While my relationship with the Lord is fine, I can't help but thinking how much more amazing it could be. I Think that a relationship with the Lord is one of the few things in life that we can actually continually cultivate, and it can just go up and up and not have to come down. Now, we're humans, mind you, so there's that whole thing where we're just foolish sometimes, but in general, the Lord is always willing to grow closer to us, it's just a matter of us allowing Him into every corner of our lives.

Which is why I say that I don't spend enough time with Him. Because truth be told, usually when I read the Bible in the morning, it's not really very long, and just when I'm thinking something new and wonderful about whatever it is that I'm reading, I realize that I have to go have breakfast, or finish doing my hair, or some other trivial thing.

And why is it, that whenever I start to pray, I suddenly think of half a dozen things that I need to do? That's awful! I should be so focused on the Lord that I don't even remember about the vague things that fill my thoughts on a regular basis.

And especially the Bible reading thing. The Bible says, "Thy Word have I hid in my heart." It doesn't say brain, because, while memorization and knowledge are important, it's really the fact that we allow the Word of God to melt through us and saturate our life.

Which is why I need to be still. Still enough to finally listen when He talks, still enough to focus on Him.


Firefly said...

I like the visual of the Word of God melting through us to saturate out life. I for some reason picture this majorly comforting drink, like the thickest most delicious hot coco, just seeping into my insides and giving me lots of warm fuzzies and comfort, and being satisfying, but I have room for more and more and more. If the Word was some sort of liquid, I imagine that's what it would be like...

The Chatty Housewife said...

Wow, I really needed to read this today. Thank you for blogging. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

I liked the image, too. Reminds me of the difficulty that the disciples (and some of the rest of us) have had with John 6:53.
"...Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you."

But a another look back at v.35 suggests that the eating & drinking correspond more to perhaps what you've been saying as well as the comforting drink of Firefly's comment?

"...he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst."