Wednesday, March 10, 2010


On the topic of parables, here's a good one. The story of the guy who found the pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought the field--what did he sell? And from whom did he buy?

I guess I should have capitalized all of that, because the "he" in the story represents Christ. Actually, are we supposed to capitalize pronouns that don't actually entirely refer to the Lord? I'm not sure.

Moving on.

We all talk about how we were purchased with the blood of Christ, bought with a price, etc. And that's good, that's from the Bible (1 Corinthians 6:20, for example), but from whom were we purchased? Was the transaction with the Father? Were we purchased by the Son from the Father? Because I certainly don't think that Jesus was transacting with Satan or anything like that. So we were purchased, saved from the clutches of sin, but from whom?

And in the parable, the merchant sold all that he had, and purchased the field with the pearl in it. What did Jesus have to give up in coming to Earth to save us? He didn't give up His Deity, nor did He give up His place at the right hand of God. I guess it's one of those things that I won't know until Glory.

And once again, if we were smart enough to understand God, well, that just wouldn't make sense, would it? =)

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