Monday, March 22, 2010

Now I know!

I may have mentioned this before (at least once) but I've long wondered what the Lord's will is for me slash my life. I know that He has a will for me (and I tend to make everyone else aware of that), but it's hard to pin something down in concrete. "I will be a missionary when I grow up." That's something most of us aren't comfortable just out-and-out saying. We're more apt to say, "Well, I've praying about it, and I really think the Lord is leading me into His work. I'm tentatively scheduled to go to Zimbabwe this summer." Mind you, I like that second sentence better. It leaves a lot more room for the Lord's will to actually be accomplished in whatever capacity He chooses.

But there is something that I know for certain is the Lord's will for me. I know of a specific thing that He wants me to do (well, more than one, but let's just dwell on this one, because it's worded awesomely).

"In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." I Thess. 5:18.

It's that easy. If we (code word: me--I don't see to many other people over thinking this) stopped and were truly thankful for everything then we would be certain to be inside of the will of the Lord.

Just a tiny part of His plan for my life, but I'm only human, so I only understand small amounts of things at a time.

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