Thursday, March 18, 2010

Priorities? What priorities?

Monday was the ides of March. Sunday was National Pi Day. Wednesday was St. Patrick's Day. Guess which one of those I forgot?

I reminded my family about National Pi Day ("What happens on National Pi Day?" they asked. "I dunno, we make... pies?"), reminded them about the Ides of March ("I look my Graduation Test math test on the ides of March," I mused pensively), and come Wednesday, I showed up at work, and lo and behold, I wasn't wearing green. It's not as if I usually do, but this year my excuse was simple: the thought hadn't so much as crossed my mind.

So I guess it goes to show where my priorities are. Namely, sweet holidays v. boring and typical ones. Adventure strikes again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once, while I was in high school, our whole school celebrated this day. We had all sorts of games that had to do with Pi- orienteering races, memorization contests (how many digits do you know?) and then to top it all off, we ate pie. Good times. I love pi day.