Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Many blessings

Have I ever mentioned how much I love my Sunday School class? Well, I do. They're the best. And, since Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, and my Sunday School class is my favorite class, it's no surprise that I have a great story about the two of them together.

Sunday morning, we learned about Thanks. One of the kids had supplied dum-dums enough to supply every single person in the upstairs, all-inclusive part with a treat, and so we all chorused a "Thank you" to him (well, his family, really, as they sent it along with him). This was perfect, as I was going to talk about thanks anyhow.

We spent some time talking about Christ's work on the cross and how that is the best thing to be thankful for. I had new kids, so we spent time making sure everyone knew how to get saved, and then I gave them all pieces of paper and writing instruments (I'm about five, so we all had crayons and markers and such) and told them to write or draw some things they were thankful for. After a few minutes (I was still writing furiously, myself), I said that if they were done, we would each read a few things from our lists. Oh, no, they declared, they weren't done! They kept writing, and writing, and many pages were filled up.

All good things must come to an end, so I finally had them wrap it up, and we all took turns reading a couple of the things we were thankful for. Interestingly enough, three of us (yes, yes, I wrote this, too) wrote that we were thankful for cheese. I like cheese enough to be thankful for it, but I was pretty impressed with the rest of them writing it. We all had fun explaining why we were thankful for certain people, I had the chance to be weirded out by several of their girls being thankful for themselves, I giggled when they were thankful for things like malls and lip gloss, and smiled when they were thankful for the Bible, and Sunday School, and family.

By the time we were done, none of us wanted to leave (partly because there was still some of the pumpkin log I'd made them for snack, but that's besides the point), and I made them promise to say thank you to at least three people later on in the day. Not sure if it'll work, but I think if people can get through their heads the attitude of thankfulness, that their whole attitude of life will change for the better.

All in all, a good Sunday School class. Those girls are the best.


Rena' said...

You made me want to be in your Sunday School class. Thanksgiving is also my favorite holiday and I too am Thankful for cheese:) All kinds of yummy cheese.

Little Jo Sleep said...

I saw that you're having cheesecake for Thanksgiving. What a brilliant idea! That's another kind of cheese for which to be thankful. =)