Monday, November 1, 2010

Peace, peace (when there is no peace)

I tend to be a person who follows after peace. What I mean by that is that I'm not exactly going to go around picking fights or angering folks at random. I hope. But sometimes my desire to smooth things over is a little extreme.

For instance, if I'm having difficulties with someone, I rarely tell them about it. Literally, almost never would I find myself waltzing up to someone and saying, "Yeah, um, I was offended that you didn't [fill in the blank]." And even with my close friends, whom I love, I don't find it comfortable to tell them that I'm upset about something. I know I'll get over it, so I just say, "Yeah, we're cool," even though NO. YOU'RE NOT.

So I have resolved to be more honest. With my friends, and myself, truth be told, because I say that I'm over something, and sometimes I'm not.

It just feels weird for me to acknowledge that I'm upset about something. I like to be more even-keeled than that. Yuck. But I'll try. For the sake of my friends who do me the honor of being honest with me, I'll extend that courtesy back their way.

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