Friday, October 2, 2009

Abe's big test

Apparently I’ve always been a pensive one. I spent one whole entire journal entry several years ago wondering something that I still sometimes take time to ponder. Namely, Abraham. I’m just going to type in all the words I wrote, since my thoughts on it haven’t truly changed in the last several years. Actually, they have, but I’ll get to that afterwards.


I was thinking about Abraham and Isaac. That story seems so unfair to me. And I know, God has His ways, nothing is ‘unfair’ with God, etc. I know the drill. But why, why did God have to test Abraham like that?

God knows everything. God knew that Abraham would go, that the angel would show up, that Abraham would sacrifice the ram instead. God knew all of that! So the point was certainly not that God was wanting to see how far Abraham would go. Did God do it to show Abraham how far he (Abraham) would go? And if so, what was the point?

I can see it now. “Sarah! We’re back! I almost killed Isaac last week, but on the plus side, I know that I trust God and that He rocks!”

“Um, dear, you can’t take any more father-son bonding trips, OK?”

Ahhh, so many questions, so few remaining Bible characters. And when I say ‘so few,’ I mean none.


Well, I’ve since decided that the Lord does indeed test us just to show us what we can accomplish when we actually dare to trust Him. Also, most of what the Lord puts us through ends up showing out His Glory to those around us in incredible ways. So while I still think that it was crazy times for old Abe to have to go forth and do this, I appreciate it for the strengthened faith that he got, and also for the lesson it teaches us—and the picture it is for us of Christ.

Also, I liked that I had to clarify that no Bible characters have remained to this day. You know, just in case one day I had forgotten that no Ezras or Timothys of Biblical proportions were still wandering around. I’ve got a bad memory, you never know how bad it might get. Best be prepared, that’s my motto.

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