Monday, October 4, 2010

Library loyalty

I have several library cards, for my several libraries, but there are only two that I really use enough to have memorized the library numbers. I like them both a lot, and really, my primary choice would be the library I grew up with (even though the other library, the one by work, is the one at which I want to get married). Only problem is, practicality has been winning out recently: I've been using my work library most, because I can go there on lunch break, plus, if I put a hold on an item I have a week to pick up the item, as opposed to my other library, where I only have three days.

It's rough! I feel like I'm cheating on my childhood library by using this other one. It's not a good feeling, either. I'd use the other library all the time if I could, but alas, life gets in the way.

On the plus side, I do have a greater selection of books to choose from! Dear Libraries, you were the best idea ever. Love, Me.


Anonymous said...

You've permanently reserved a spot in my "business" for wedding photos....whenever....=) Just so you know.
I was going to say, my old library in Missouri almost got old for me, because I felt like I was running out of good reading material! Sometimes it helps to switch it up a bit. It's not cheating, just spreading your loyalties. ;)

Little Jo Sleep said...

Yeah, I guess there's nothing wrong with being loyal to multiple things/places. But my Childhood Library is really great about getting new books all the time. Such a lovely library.

And I feel honored for the photography thing. A permanent place... that's legit.

Anonymous said...

Well, as long as you don't make me mad between now and then...;)