Friday, October 1, 2010

Well then

Dear World,

I'm sorry. I was not sleeping, and apparently decided it would be a good idea to write whatever I was thinking. This is why I have a journal, so I'm not sure why I chose to share with the world, instead of myself. Either way, it amuses me, so I've left it.



Firefly said...

I thought it was pretty awesome. Especially since once I spilled thousands of seed beads and spent years sorting them out into their own little compartments.

Little Jo Sleep said...

I actually really like sorting beads. Last year before our VBS I spent a whole day sorting beads for a project for my mom's class. The kids messed it all up in about four minutes, but there's something incredibly soothing about sorting beads. Call me crazy.

Anonymous said...

I was gonna of it confused me. Get some sleep, chica!

It's interesting how profound your thinking is THAT early in the morning...;)

Little Jo Sleep said...

Not sure profound is the right word... Quite frankly, it made no sense.