Monday, March 12, 2012


I sort of forgot.  I went to the Rose Parade this year--

--I say this year like it's something I've always meant to go to and just didn't get a chance until this year.  False.  I didn't even know what it was until I was informed the people we were staying with were going, and that meant that I was going, too.  I had to have it explained to me.  Yeah.  That's how much I know about things related to sports.--

--and took some photos.  As you can see, it is a parade.  Called the Rose Parade.  People carried around those letters stating such.  So... that was exciting.  Actually, it was very interesting.  All of the floats were made from natural things, such as, you know, roses or whatever.

The actual interesting part was that we camped out on the sidewalk before the parade.  And when I say, "before the parade," what I mean is "for the entire NIGHT before the parade."  Not my idea.  But anyhow, one of those blue lumps is me, sleeping soundly.  I slept pretty much all night, because I have magical sleeping abilities, pretty much.  I'm sorry for everyone else who apparently can't sleep on sidewalks, but when I'm tired, I sleep.  It's awesome.

This last photo was me waking up in the morning.  I don't know if you can tell, but I look... like I just woke up.  I literally rolled out of bed and ta-da! there was the parade.  We were right on the street, so when all the police cars came by and stuff started happening, I woke up and got a front row seat.

I... will probably never do that again.  Even though I did sleep fairly soundly for six hours, I didn't think it was worth the six hours.  Then again, I was the girl at the parade who was saying, "Wait, the Rose Bowl is today? I've heard about that!  Football, right?"  I had no idea who was playing in the Rose Bowl or even that the Rose Parade was somehow related to the Rose Bowl.  Truth be told, I probably didn't deserve to be there.  Other, more worthy sports fans will cry at this account.  I'm sorry, sports fans.  It just sort of... happened.

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