Thursday, March 22, 2012

Some neighbors are easy to spot

There's that age-old question about who exactly your neighbor is.  Obviously, in the context of Luke 10, it's talking about more than just the guy who lives in the house next to you.  Well, today I'm talking about neighbors.  Specifically, the kind who live right next to me.

So, I have these neighbors. I shall call them... Wendell and Michelle.  Those aren't their real names, but I don't want to be that person who's outright gossiping about neighbors so that next time you come to visit me and we casually howdy them as they take out their trash you recognize the name and think, "THAT'S who she was talking about?" So their real names shall forever remain a mystery to my fair readership. Anyhow, I write about them because they are the least happy couple ever. Now that spring has sprung, the storm windows are off, and our house has warm breezes gusting in the windows, carrying the scent of freshly mown lawns (mown? is that how it's spelled?), sunshine, and... yelling from next door.

Now, here's the deal. I'm not foolish enough to think that anyone can coexist without disagreement (unless one of the persons is in a coma, in which case the other person still might be upset, but that's beside the point), but yelling at each other every single day? And I'm not just talking about "Well, it's YOUR turn to take out the trash!" I'm talking about ugly arguments. Trust me, I've heard both sides of their respective stories, and it's always ugly.

What I don't understand is how they can possibly have any sort of foundation in their relationship. Honestly, with what goes on over there, I don't know how they can stand to be around one another.

So if anyone thinks of it, maybe pray for my poor neighbors, Wendell and Michelle. The neighbor on the other side of their house came to talk to us one day, and both of our houses decided that when we heard them fighting, we'd be putting in extra prayer time for them, sort of like they're sandwiched by prayer. I'm sorry to report that I haven't noticed it helping, but anyhow, we do what we can, my friends. We do what we can.

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