Friday, November 13, 2009

im not you're spellcheker

One thing that I've nicely avoided (thus far) by being raised in a smart family is an excess of grammatical errors. We used to laugh on car trips, because while us kids were drooling over billboards with food and pools and candy, my mom would always point out the mistakes on the billboard, and, without fail, she'd wonder out loud why in the world nobody could seem to afford an editor. While I make a number of mistakes myself (a LARGE number, sad to say), I do make a concerted effort to edit materials before other people see them. It's really not that hard to spend a few extra minutes on things that I'll be sharing.

So why is it that at my new job, I'm constantly bombarded with editorial mistakes? It seems that I'm surrounded by instructional manuals filled with typos. It's driving me crazy.

Sorry, I just had to vent.

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