Thursday, November 12, 2009

Shapes in the dark

I love my room at night. Well, I'd love it a tiny bit more if it were darker, but that's beside the point. What I love so much about my room at night is that all I can see are the shapes around me. And I'm not usually a shape person--all it took was a year of geometry to solidify that thought forever in my brain--but I love the feeling of being surrounded by solid patterns and shapes.

I think this love of the concrete stems from the fact that for most of my childhood my room was markedly NOT full of clean lines. I tend to be... well, messy, and my room is the first to suffer from my not-so-tidy habits. Since I have been endevouring (for the past eight or ten years) to put away my childish things, I tend to keep my room a little cleaner than it once was. For instance, my dressers typically have tops not covered with things, these days (though today they are covered with pictures, and books, and hairbrushes, and to-do lists, so today isn't a good day for this illustration), and so when I look out at night, I just see the square shapes of my furniture.

But what I love best are the walls. I love to look on the far wall and see a cacophony of squares, rectangles, and circles. It's like geometry exploded on my wall, but in a happy way. I can't even explain why this makes my tired heart happy, but when I look out at night and see a patchwork of shapes, I just have to grin. I think, maybe, it's because I look at those shapes and think "that's the needlepoint that Grammy made me when I was born," and "that's a photograph of my first and favorite (I mean, uh, they're all my favorite) niece," or, "that's the verse Mom and Dad got me for my birthday one year," and the list goes on. Actually, most of my shapes are from posters of sunrises and sunsets, but they don't usually show up so well in the dark, due to the high amount of brightness-from-sun in them. Ah, well, the rest are cool.

So there we have it. Sometimes, orderliness and... shapeliness?... are actually things I appreciate. It's like pigs are flying overhead this very second.

Uh, and I hope we all realize that I don't mean shapeliness in the traditional way. I mean, actual shapes. So, yeah.

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