Friday, April 30, 2010

If thy foot offends thee--

Cut it off!

Just kidding.

But I did step on a toy train the other day (Percy, I believe) and ever since that time, my feet have been uncomfortable to use. And I do mean that. A bruised sole does not feel very nice. If my feet could somehow be wrapped in bubble wrap (which would come with the built-in-charm of having boredom busted at a moment's notice!) or maybe something equally created to take the pressure off my feet, it would be awesome.

It's been making me think, though. Some frightening words, yes. Me? Thinking?

I've been reading through Leviticus (sort of at a snail's pace, due to me actually trying to pay attention to the feasts and diseases and other odd things Leviticus teaches us) and multiple times in the book, it mentions that when offerings/consecration were going on (consecration: another one of my favourite topics!) there was blood put on the ear (the right ear, to be exact. And not just any place on the ear, but the tip of the ear), the hand (again, the right one. Personally, I think this means that left-handed people aren't as sanctified as the rest of us. Which worries me, because I'm sort of confused in the matter of which-handed I am), and the great toe on the right foot (never calling it a big toe again: Great Toe sounds much better!) during this process.

Which, obviously, reminds us to watch where we go, what we do, and what we listen to. I know we sort of pretend that we don't have any control over what goes in and out of our ears ("I heard it on the bus!") but we have a lot more control over such things than we think.

I just ran out of steam (haha, like Percy the train is liable to do). I don't remember where I was going with this except to say that while my bruised foot has been causing me grief, it makes me consider in much greater detail exactly how much my feet mean to me. I love them, I use them, and I'd best watch where they walk. Amen!

*wanders away, humming, "Oh be careful little feet where you go" while trying to drown out the sound of the world all around*


Rena' said...

Oh, how curious that we are both about the feet today. I agree about Leviticus it is slow but maybe for a reason. I do wonder myself sometimes if I am suffering some punishment for sins. I'd like say for the sins of my kinfolk but likely if so own. Maybe I am just to busy and quick I should slow down, for too many reasons to list. Hope your soles get uplifted ASAP.

Little Jo Sleep said...

They're feeling better already, thankfully! I figure I'm suffering more because I'm living in a sinful, sole bruising, creation. Eve... pffft.