Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ahh, the day of fools

One year on April the 1st I called my friend Deuteronomy and told her that I was "praying about dating" a certain guy we both knew. She fell for it, hook, line, and sinker, and still hasn't quite forgiven me.

So worth it.

Today I wanted to pretend to quit my job, but was afriad it would open a can of worms I didn't want to deal with. I think I'll tell my brother I got engaged or something.

PS, Google's joke is awesome. I took the test, though, and I'm too normal to be a Mars explorer. Bummer. Maybe next year?


maggie87 said...

I missed that Google one--all I saw was Topeka and the Google Translate for animals. I know the Topeka was a play on current events, but quite honestly, I thought it was a little weak compared to past years, myself.

Hahaha, this isn't the first year you've done that to Deuteronomy, is it? or was that just a regular-time-of-year fools' joke?

Little Jo Sleep said...

I've only done that to Deuteronomy once, but she sends me little anniversary emails every year. Basically the best running joke ever.

The Topeka article had a link to their new program, "Virgle" where they're colonizing Mars. It was a pretty hilarious, if I may say so myself. They had little videos from Google's founders and stuff. I want to see the submission videos us mortals were supposed to send it. That would be awesome.