Thursday, April 29, 2010


They always say (but seriously, who is "they"? someone please enlighten me) that when you want to make God laugh, you're supposed to tell Him your plans. Well, I'm not exactly sure how legitimate that is (after all, in the Bible, I'm pretty sure it only mentions the Lord laughing at truly unfortunate souls, like people who belch), but sometimes it does feel a bit as if I make plans and the Lord has to sit me down and explain that I shouldn't have tried to make plans behind his back like that. Good point, Lord.

What I always get hung up on is that I can never decide if that's what's going on ("that" being that the Lord is telling me to halt my plans or put them on hold) or if there are just natural road blocks in the way of something. Maybe I'm having trouble figuring something out because someone throws away my important mail--I mean, realistically, there are some things that just happen.

I think it's mostly about being willing to listen to that still, small, voice, and being willing to submit to the Lord, if His plans really are different than mine.

Wouldn't it be awesome if my plans always aligned with His? And I say "my plans" hesitantly, because obviously by that time they're His plans, through and through!

I sort of miss the days when the ins and outs of my life were determined by my parents. Growing up is so overrated. Where's Peter when we need him?

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