Thursday, April 22, 2010

And a day for Earth

This morning I realized that it was Earth Day. Not like that's too crazy, but I realized that Earth Day marks that I've been blogging for more than a year now. Last Earth Day I said pretty much all that needs to be said about this event, so I won't bore you with another round, but I did, of course, take the time to google Nancy Pelosi just to make sure she didn't happen to use another not-entirely-real verse from Isaiah. I honestly can't get over that.


Anyhow, It's funny how certain things can remind us that time glides ever onward. For instance, it's hard to reconcile myself with the idea that I've been blogging for a year. Not like I've done it entirely faithfully (summer=not even close), but it's been here. And I just realized the other day that I'm coming up on ten years as a faithful (mostly) journaler. I used to journal here and there when I was much younger, but it's only ("only" haha) been the last ten where I've written frequently.

But time is strange. I've been working at my current job for six months now (I've already surpassed the average time of how long most former employees worked here by a fair amount, which tells you something about the job, let me just tell you), and I realize "hey, six months flew, I bet it'll be a year before I know it!" Oh, if I lasted a year, by the way, there would only be three other employees amongst the 35-some employees who have worked at this job who will have worked longer than I have. Most are lucky to last for three months. The last lady lasted for four days. Correction, four mornings. She wasn't even working all day.

I have digressed.

I think the older you get, the less time means. Thirty Year Fixed Mortgage? No problem. My child will be finished school in just another 14 years? Sweet. You only have to be 55 to qualify for some senior discounts now? I'm nearly there!

Um, I personally am not nearly there, I'm just making a point.

But time means little once you realize how much has already passed you by. It brings to mind the fact that we can't change what has passed, but only live for Christ in the minutes and days to come. Everything will pass away (did you hear that, Earth? you too!) but it's what is done for Christ that remains.

Only one life, t'will soon be past, only what's done for Christ t'will last!

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